How to Shop
So, how do you do this Facebook Shopping thing? Easy peasy.
ONE: Join the LULAROE DressWell GiveWell Facebook Group
First of all, in order to access the latest sales, you gotta join our VIP Facebook Group <--- Click on this link, then press the green +JOIN button. You must have a personal Facebook account to be a member of the closed group (which means it is by ask or invitation only). Once you are in, you can add friends!
TWO: Check out Newsfeed on our Wall
Once you join, you will immediately see the most recent activity on our wall. This is under the "DISCUSSION" tab. This includes anything we have posted, or any member has posted (such as a purchased item, question, or response). As a member, you are welcome to join in any discussion! (please, just keep it nice.)
There may be a "PINNED POST" at the top of the feed where there is easy-to-access, relevant info. Newsfeed will flow under it.
For online sales, exact dates and times of sales will be announced on the Facebook feed, and items will be posted for sale. Watch out, the most popular items often go FAST so set your clocks and be there!
THREE: Access Albums
When shopping, the most important folder: ALBUMS. Find albums to access clothing posted for sale, details for all sale rules, style guides, sizing charts, and other useful information. You must be in the VIP group to have access. Once you are in, click on the "PHOTOS" tab, and then "ALBUMS" tab. Any relevant sale info, as well as items posted for sale will appear in this folder.
All sales rules & procedures (claiming an item, invoicing, shipping) are located in the "START HERE" album, it's as easy as 1-2-3!
Additional info about the group can also be found in the "MEMBERS," "EVENTS," or "FILES" tabs, so feel free to browse. Happy shopping!